Adventures In Computing: Text Message Author Prediction
I had to replace my phone recently, and while I was backing information up and evaluating possible replacements, it occurred to me that it would be pretty neat to do some data exploration on text messages. My family and I have a fairly active group chat, so there’s lots of data to look at. I started to wonder if there was enough information to create an algorithm for predicting the author of a text messages based on the content of the message.
Data Collection
Android doesn’t make it particularly easy to get at the data on your own phone, but there are a few methods to access text messages. I wrote a quick mobile app to export messages to a database, but while I was pondering how to correctly resolve threads and sent/received (since the data you can get using the native APIs doesn’t have explicit send-by and received-by fields) when I found SMS Import/Export, an open-source app that does exactly what I wanted! Mostly. I still had a couple of things to do to clean the data up.
Data Cleaning
The SMS Import/Export app produces a rather large (1.2GB for me) JSON file, which contains messages in this format:
"_id": "25594",
"thread_id": "18",
"address": "5059740155",
"date": "1654224388611",
"date_sent": "0",
"read": "1",
"status": "-1",
"type": "2",
"body": "<redacted>",
"locked": "0",
"sub_id": "1",
"error_code": "-1",
"creator": "",
"seen": "1",
"display_name": "Matt Pitts"
Not exactly the most convenient form for ingesting into a usable dataset (although it’s just fine for backups, which is the purpose of the app). Adding some complexity, a multipart message from the export file looks like this:
"_id": "10765",
"thread_id": "5",
"date": "1654883456",
"date_sent": "1654883456",
"msg_box": "1",
"read": "1",
"sub": "",
"sub_cs": "106",
"ct_t": "text/plain",
"m_type": "132",
"m_size": "0",
"tr_id": "proto:CkIKImNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5hcHBzLm1lc3NhZ2luZy4SHBIaKhhNeHFNM2hLZ0l6UU9DcVNGRlpwSnR1VUE=",
"ct_cls": "135",
"locked": "0",
"sub_id": "1",
"seen": "1",
"creator": "",
"text_only": "1",
"sender_address": {
"_id": "39706",
"msg_id": "10765",
"address": "<redacted>",
"type": "137",
"charset": "106",
"display_name": "Karoline Eliza Pitts"
"recipient_addresses": [
"_id": "39705",
"msg_id": "10765",
"address": "<redacted>",
"type": "130",
"charset": "106",
"display_name": "Karoline Eliza Pitts"
"_id": "39707",
"msg_id": "10765",
"address": "<redacted>",
"type": "151",
"charset": "106",
"display_name": "Me"
"parts": [
"_id": "22526",
"mid": "10765",
"seq": "0",
"ct": "text/plain",
"name": "body",
"text": "<redacted>"
To get around this, I wrote a small Python script to parse the JSON and do a few things:
- Extract relevant fields like sender/receiver and timestamp
- Assemble full messages from multipart message bodies
- Normalize phone numbers
- Output to an easy-to-use CSV file
Step #3 was pretty important, since there’s no rule about having to
send fully qualified numbers in a text message header. So you might
have a number in three forms: country code + area code + number
area code + number
, or just number
. Luckily, the excellent
library exists, and was very helpful in normalizing
phone numbers into the same format.
Data Augmentation
One problem that stood out is the significant imbalance of class-level data. Karoline isn’t nearly as active as Matt and I are:
Which would make it hard to make an effective classifier if 98% of the
texts were “not-Karoline”. To mitigate this I read about dealing with
imbalanced data, and found
imbalanced-learn, an
-compatible package that has functionality for dealing with
imbalanced class representation. I read through the documentation for
the different strategies, and went with
which handles both under- and over-sampling. It was pretty
straightforward to implement in code:
features, labels = sampler.fit_resample(features, df["labels"])
features_train, features_test, labels_train, labels_test = train_test_split(
features, labels
Feature Extraction
For feature extraction I initially looked at bag-of-words, but wondered if applying it to a conversation would yield effective results, since a conversation by nature involves talking about the same things and using similar words. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to do an experiment: training a model with standard bag-of-words features and custom features I would extract with some custom code.
If you’re not familiar with bag-of-words features, it’s basically a reduction of a text document to the count of individual words, transforming them into a vector in feature space. To make sure words like “run” and “running” were treated as being the same word, I used a word stemmer from NLTK, and stripped out stop words like “the”, “and”, and “or”:
stemmer: PorterStemmer = PorterStemmer()
words: List[str] = stopwords.words("english")
df["cleaned"] = df["message_text"].apply(
lambda x: " ".join(
for i in re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]", " ", x).split()
if i not in words
The bag-of-words implementation came from scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer class:
vectorizer: CountVectorizer = CountVectorizer()
features = vectorizer.fit_transform(df["cleaned"], df["labels"])
For custom feature extraction, I decided to compute five specific features:
- The number of words in a message
- The number of sentences in a message
- The average word length
- The number of misspelled words (not that I’m accusing anyone of being a poor speller, but I tend to be fastidious about correct spelling in text messages, even if the meaning is clear, and since that’s not true of everyone, I thought it might be a useful feature)
- Lexical diversity
For the number of misspelled words, I used the pyspellchecker library, and computed all of the metrics in one pass:
sc: SpellChecker = SpellChecker()
for text in df["message_text"]:
words: List[str] = word_tokenize(text)
if len(words) == 0:
mean_word_lengths.append(np.mean([len(word) for word in words]))
lexical_diversity_scores.append(len(text) / len(set(text)))
df["word_count"] = word_counts
df["sentence_count"] = sentence_counts
df["mean_word_length"] = mean_word_lengths
df["misspelled_word_count"] = misspelled_word_counts
df["lexical_diversity"] = lexical_diversity_scores
Model Selection
I used a grid search method to tune a pipeline containing a random forest classifier for each dataset. For the bag-of-words features, I used singular value decomposition to reduce the number of features that were being used and make it more computationally tractable. For the custom features, I scaled the data to make sure unique words or someone with a penchant for long words wouldn’t throw off the statistics.
Classification Results
No machine learning project is complete with eye candy charts and metrics!
Family Chat
Overall, it was a mixed bag. The bag-of-words model’s overall accuray was 92%, versus 90% for the custom features. Precision, recall, and F1 all showed relatively high scores.
Other Chats
Once I had the process nailed down, I ran it against a couple of other text streams from my phone. For the text chat between Karoline and I, the models achieved fairly good performance. Accuracy with the custom features was ~98%, with similar F1 and precision scores.
And a text chat with Matt and two friends of ours:
This was a pretty fun project. It was a good experience digging into Android internals, cleaning data, and automating a model training pipeline from ingest to prediction and analysis. I got familiar with a few new Python libraries for dealing with different data types and wildly imbalanced datasets.